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Elisabetta Di Giovannantonio

Podcast: Transforming Discipline: Expert Tips from Dr. Becky Bailey (2.0 CEUs)

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Dr. Becky Bailey a groundbreaking figure in early childhood development.

As the creator of Conscious Discipline, Dr. Bailey's work has positively impacted classrooms worldwide. For over 25 years, Conscious Discipline has fostered a fundamental shift in thinking that empowers adults and children to be the change they want to see in the world. This highly effective approach is proven to increase self-regulation, sense of safety, connection, empathy and intrinsic motivation in both children and adults. 1:32 minutes (2.0 CEUs) Proudly sponsored by Cite Pro.

All about this podcast:

In this podcast episode, host Ariella Aharonof is joined by Dr Becky Bailey, (Founder of Conscious Discipline) for an enlightening conversation about the Conscious Discipline Brain State Model. Providing specific brain-friendly, research-backed strategies for responding to each child's individual needs, this highly effective approach is proven to increase self-regulation, sense of safety, connection, empathy and intrinsic motivation in both children and adults. 1:32 minutes (2.0 CEUs)

0 – 2 minutes: Ariella welcomes her guest for this episode – Dr Becky Bailey, Founder of Conscious Discipline, and introduces today’s topic, ‘Transforming Discipline’.

2 – 16 minutes: Ariella and Dr Bailey discuss the pros and cons of varied discipline techniques as they co-exist within a child’s environment.

16 – 26 minutes: Executive Skills/Higher Center vs Lower Center functioning is discussed in relation to stress, judgement, negotiation skills and communication, including strategies for moving into higher center functioning to maintain healthy communication skills.

26 – 35 minutes: Trust and willingness to change behavior as a precursor for good communication is discussed.

35 – 51 minutes: School discipline vs home discipline is discussed including adaptive behavior for maintaining positive relationships and good communication amidst differing discipline strategies both within and outside-of the home. 

51 – 1:11 minutes: Dr Bailey provides strategies for managing power-struggles, outbursts and meltdowns, including age-specific and organic behavior challenges.

1:11 – 1:17 minutes: Guilt is explored, including strategies for managing and releasing guilty feelings.

1:17 – 1:33 minutes: Dr Bailey discusses techniques for utilizing conscience discipline including change management, eliminating ambiguity and using curiosity as a catalyst for positive change.

1:33 minutes: Podcast end

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