
After completing this course, students will:

  • List the elements that create an effective Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

  • Learn strategies for preventing negative behavior in school

  • Identify appropriate replacement skills

  • Most importantly, learn how to work together with school staff in implementing BIPs

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • Slides Download

  • 2

    Getting Started: an Understanding of School Staff and breaking down the BIP

    • Video 1

    • ASR #1

  • 3

    PREVENTING the problem behavior: practical strategies that WORK

    • Video 2

    • ASR #2

  • 4

    Replacement Skills: a repertoire of relevant classroom behaviors with ideas for goal writing

    • Video 3

    • ASR #3

  • 5

    Staff Training and Support

    • Video 4

    • ASR #4

    • Video 5

    • ASR #5

  • 6

    Visuals and Sample Behavior Plans for you

    • Visuals

    • Video #6

  • 7

    Last steps

    • Confirmation of Student Profile Information for CEUs Certificate

    • Completion Survey

Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) for Schools (2.0 CEUs)

Staff collaboration is critical to creating an effective BIP in the school environment.

Learn how to write Behavior Intervention Plan (BIPS) for Schools, including Prevention Strategies and Collaboration with school staff.


Shira Zelman Pressburger


Shira is Successful Behavior Analyst working with children with special needs and mainstream students. Shira has trained 100s of teachers to implement effective classroom management skills to increase positive behaviors in classrooms. Supervise BCBA candidates and paras to implement ABA teaching methods. Provide in-person workshops and online trainings for BCBAs, Teachers and Special Education Teacher/Therapists.

Social proof: reviews

5 star rating

Wonderful resource!

Terrie Johnson

5 star rating

Simple steps with lots of visuals!

For a long time, i've been trying to find a course like this that breaks down steps of bips!! I will use these visuals to help the clients I see in school

For a long time, i've been trying to find a course like this that breaks down steps of bips!! I will use these visuals to help the clients I see in school

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Yocheved Becker

5 star rating

Entry level review on how to interact with school staff

This was an entry level course on how to interact with staff while creating a BIP. Great visuals and "lingo" to use with staff and students to make the process more user friendly for those in a school setting that is not "ABA" based. Data collec...

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This was an entry level course on how to interact with staff while creating a BIP. Great visuals and "lingo" to use with staff and students to make the process more user friendly for those in a school setting that is not "ABA" based. Data collections sheets and various ways to collect and display data would have been very helpful as well.

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selena gironda

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