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Awesome discussion.

Belkis Marte

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I enjoyed this podcast. Great information to think about.

Lacee Bartlett

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Elisabetta Di Giovannantonio

Podcast: Cyber Safety and Autism. 30 minutes. (0.5 CEUs)

Kelly interviews Dennis Debbaudt, cyber security expert and Dad to a child on the spectrum

We are all at risk of financial, emotional and personal damage due to cyber crime and fraud. This risk is significantly higher for individuals on the autism spectrum. As BCBAs, establishing cyber safety for our clients includes finding ways to protect, educate and advocate. Proudly sponsored by Cite Pro.

All about this podcast:

Kelly Bermingham, BCBA features cyber safety expert Dennis Debbaudt

0 – 4 minutes: October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. Kelly welcomes her guest Dennis Debbaudt, long-time safety trainer, law enforcement consultant and author, and introduces today’s topic “Cyber Safety and Autism.”

4 – 14 minutes: Dennis reflects on the pervasive nature of technology in our lives today, the typical risks we are exposed to on the internet and the basic process of establishing cyber safety for the ASD individuals under their care, including the need for parents, BCBAs and caregivers to protect, educate and advocate.

14 – 26 minutes: Kelly introduces key areas of concern from parents regarding cyber safety. Sexuality and sexual issues connected to cyber safety are highlighted.

26 – 30 minutes: Kelly highlights the key issues covered during today’s podcast.

30 minutes: Podcast end

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