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Quick but so informative

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Awesome discussion.

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Elisabetta Di Giovannantonio

Podcast: No Matter What I Give Her, It's Never Enough: My Child Exhausts Me(0.5 CEUs)

Join us for a heartfelt exploration of a mother's journey through the relentless demands of her insatiable child. 42 minutes (0.5 CEUs)

With a candid narrative, she shares her journey of grappling with a child whose needs seem insatiable, leaving her drained. We witness the mother's deep understanding of her child's needs and her relentless pursuit of effective strategies to foster growth and connection. Every moment unfolds with wisdom and empathy. Join us as we unravel the intricate dance of parenthood, where love, understanding, and resilience pave the path toward harmony and growth. Proudly sponsored by Cite Pro.

All about this podcast:

In this podcast episode, host Ariella Aharonof welcomes a Mom grappling with the constant demands of her insatiable daughter. 42 minutes (0.5 CEUs)

0 – 2 minutes: Ariella welcomes her guest for this episode – A mother who is struggling with the constant demands of her child.

2 – 26 minutes: Guest Mom provides background on her six-year-old daughter, including challenges with emotional regulation and deferred gratification.  Ariella offers Mom a strategy for helping her daughter feel heard and giving her daughter confidence that her needs will be met.

26 – 32 minutes: Ariella and Mom consider opportunities to leverage her daughter’s moments of good behavior to build the relationship and to shape future behavior in various environments.

32 – 42 minutes: Trigger moments are discussed including the need to de-escalate a stressful situations and how these moments can be used to validate and to model desired behavior

42 minutes: Podcast end

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