0 - 4 minutes: Kelly Bermingham, BCBA, introduces her friend and co-host Jen Lucero (mother to Dylan and Ethan) and discusses the impetus behind today’s topic - ‘What Caregivers want from their BCBAs’, including the advent of insurance coverage of services and the consequences.
4 - 12 minutes: Jen shares her insight on both positive and not-so-positive experiences she has had with BCBAs over the past 15+ years including the importance of giving voice to the caregiver, respecting historical knowledge and reflecting on the needs of the client from the caregiver’s perspective.
12 - 17 minutes: Client records, medical history, insurance assessments and parent’s input are discussed including ensuring other caretakers (neighbors, friends, grandparents, etc) are involved in the assessment process.
17 - 25 minutes: BCBA attitudes towards, and interest in the client and caregiver are explored including respecting the caregivers’ role and understanding that client-care extends beyond the BCBA’s role and is often a 24/7 responsibility for the caregiver.
25 minutes: Kelly references her favorite article on this compassionate care model, written by Dr. Taylor, Dr. LeBlanc, and Dr. Nosic.
Compassionate Care in Behavior Analytic Treatment: Can Outcomes be Enhanced by Attending to Relationships with Caregivers? - PubMed (nih.gov)
29 minutes: Podcast end.
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