0-2 minutes: Kelly introduces friend and colleague Len Lucero (mother to Ethan and Dylan) and discusses today’s topic: What’s in a name? and the term of ‘Parent Training.’
2 minutes: Kelly introduces Heather O’Shea, leader of the parent training special interest group of the ‘Council for Autism Service Providers’ and discusses the origin of the term, ‘Parent Training’.
3 minutes: Heather discusses CASP and the role of special interest groups, including the parent training special interest group and the need to improve the ABAs approach to parent and caregiver involvement/collaboration.
8 minutes: Jen weighs with a parent’s perspective in on the shift in parent training approaches with the advent of insurance, and introduces Bianca, parent of a child with ASD
11 minutes: Bianca reflects on her feelings as a parent when terms like ‘parent training’ are used and recalls her experience being asked to take pop quizzes by service providers.
17 minutes: Heather emphasizes the unique role parents play and the value parents bring to the table regarding their child’s progress plan and care strategy.
20 minutes: Kelly, Jen, Bianca and Heather reflect on challenging insurance company requirements regarding goal-setting and other parameters while advocating for changes in a parent’s role respective of goal-setting and collaboration.
28 minutes: The importance of a care ‘team’ is discussed including the need to collaborate with parents on all aspects of caregiving.
32 minutes: Wrap-up.
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