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Awesome discussion.

Belkis Marte

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I enjoyed this podcast. Great information to think about.

Lacee Bartlett

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Elisabetta Di Giovannantonio

Podcast: Considering the RBT's Perspective 30 minutes. (0.5 CEUs)

Kelly and Jen talk with long-time Registered Behavior Therapist Salvador Cadenas about why he works with adults and children severely affected by ASD.

Creating successful behavior programs takes effective collaboration between the client, the BCBA, the parent/caregiver and the supervisor. Get an insider's take on 'dos' and 'donts' from a veteran RBT. Proudly sponsored by Cite Pro.

All about this podcast:

Kelly Bermingham, BCBA and co-host Jen Lucero talk with long-time Registered Behaviorist Salvador Cadenas

0 - 4 minutes: Kelly introduces herself, co-host Jen Lucero (Mom to Dylan and Ethan) and RBT Salvador Cadenas and kicks-off today's topic, “Considering the Behavior Therapist’s Perspective”.

4-11 minutes: Salvador reflects on his entry into Behavior Therapy, including formal certification vs real life experience, and the importance of entering the field for the ‘right’ reasons.

11 – 21 minutes: Sal talks about what makes his job enjoyable and what makes it challenging.

21 - 33 minutes: Technical training vs real world experience is discussed, and Sal highlights situations that make an RBTs job difficult, and the need for supervisors to take an active role in the behavior plan.

33 minutes: Podcast end

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